Sunday, May 27, 2007

Tales from the dark side.

Hello all!

Sorry for lack of communication. To catch you all up to date, I fell ill with malaria this past week. (I know, I know, always sick!) I am now well on my way to recovery, with only a cough, mild stomach ache and er, fewer toilet problems to deal with.

If the medication hadn't worked, I wouldn't have believed I actually had malaria, since I still deny ever being bitten by a mosquito. I was actually glad, however, when the young doctor decided it was malaria, because I figured at least you can cure that. And of the two diseases that they were tossing around, malaria sounds better than typhoid.

Sparing you most of the details, it was a week of hell. Absolutely. Why is there no vaccine against this I have to ask. I was in agony, and the hotel staff hated us, as Neil had to keep going down to get bunches of toilet paper. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep. I read, a lot, in the bathroom really. It became the most convenient spot for me to hang out.

Neil was fantastic, much better than even I could have been. He stayed with me through everything, got me medications and yogurt to take them with, and then sat with me to make sure I got down at least a cup full of it, even though I wanted to eat nothing. He did cooking and cleaning, wet towels to put on me to break my fevers, and even got up with me in the middle of the night when I was sick. I cannot express how grateful I am that he was with me.

Last night I ate my first large meal, vegetable curry and chapatis (which is basically a flour pancake used to scope the food up.). I was very glad that I was able to eat again. And, all the coughing is starting to give some definition to my stomach, which is almost a plus. (Just kidding!!!)

Well, I just really wanted to break a week's silence and let everyone know that I'm alright!

I hope everyone at home is doing well! I miss you all, especially this past week, and have never really felt as young as I did when we weren't sure what was wrong with me. It makes you very grateful for your loved ones!

All my love,


Neil said...

You had malaria!!!???

Adriana said...

I'm so glad you're getting better now. That must have been so scary.
You need to develop personal shields to protect you from bad things. Tell Neil to invent something like Troi and Worf used in "A Fist Full of Datas" and if he doesn't remember tell him that I am very disappointed in him.
I hope that now you'll actually be able to enjoy your time in Africa.

Peter and Addy said...

It's a tremendous relief for us to hear about your relatively quick recovery although we understand you went through hell. Our hearts are with you and it's great to hear about your experiences.

Maureen said...

Hey Courtney,
So glad to hear you are back at work. I must say I am looking forward to further posts of your activities so I can be reassured that all is really well. Take care. Lots of love,